Past Modules

1) Project Vertical Farming – 0000003028
by Prof. Monika Egerer (TUM School of Life Science – Urban Productive Ecosystems)
  • 6 ECTS – limited to certain study fields – Please talk to your study coordinator to make sure you get the ECTS
  • You will be working with our Vertical Farming Team to develop, program and implement a vertical farming container for the Weihenstephan Campus

Euroteq Collider

The Collider is an innovative learning format with the aim of bringing students, vocational trainees and professionals together to tackle challenges around the theme “Leave no waste behind”. The goal is to connect participants with different profiles and personalities to boost creativity, innovation and shared understanding, enabling participants to imagine new approaches and design disruptive solutions.

The module gives learners the opportunity to apply their knowledge on topics related to the theme “Leave no waste behind”. Within this overarching theme, we are offering challenges on three different topic-domains, namely:  

  • Cities (eg. construction/ building, public lighting, streets (trash bins)) 
  • Energy (eg. renewable resources, transport, data (storing))  
  • Consumption (eg. food, plastics, fashion). 


Our Teams:

  • Irrigation Systems
  • Vertical Farming

Ongoing thesis projects

Bachelor thesis at the Chair of Hydrogeology – Supervision: Dr. Kai Zosseder

Bachelor thesis at the Chair of Hydrogeology – Supervision: Dr. Kai Zosseder

Title: Virtuelles Grundwasser im Gemüseanbau – Vergleich des Grundwasserverbrauchs beim konventionellen Gemüseanbau zum ökologisch regionalen und innovativen Anbau wie Stadtgärten

Bachelor thesis at the Chair of Hydrogeology and River Basement – Supervisor: Prof. Markus Disse

Title: Vergleich einer messdatenbasierten Wasserhaushaltsbilanz mit der Penman- Monteith-Gleichung zur Ermittlung des Pflanzenwasserbedarfs in Hochbeeten

Finished thesis projects

  • Study Project by Veronica Becker at the Center of Land, Water and Environmental Risk Management – Supervisor: Dr. Pamela Duran

Title: Development and Implementation of an Integrated Urban Gardening Concept at TUM.